Our Chioggia Beets, also known as candy cane beets, are unique due to their striking pink and white concentric rings. They add a fabulous splash of color to your plate. Whether you want to perk up your tray of roasted veggies or just need something quick and easy to grate into a salad, this root is your go-to option.
To showcase their stunning rings, thinly slice them and use them in salads. Roasting or steaming these beets accentuates their natural sweetness and earthy undertones. You can also pickle them for a vibrant and tangy addition to sandwiches and charcuterie boards.
Q: Do the rings in Chioggia Beets fade during cooking?
A: While the rings may fade slightly when cooked, the Chioggia Beet's unique appearance still makes for an attractive dish.
Q: Are Chioggia Beets as sweet as regular beets?
A: Chioggia Beets have a mild sweetness that is slightly less intense than regular red or golden beets, making them a versatile addition to various dishes.