All our products are grown and made without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, preservatives, or additives. Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality of our products. We have listed detailed storage suggestions to help you store your items in the best possible way.



  • Leafy Greens & Herbs (Lettuces, Kale, Spinach, Coriander, Mint, Fenugreek, Spring Onions, Dill, Basil): Store in your refrigerator. Wrap in a damp paper towel before refrigerating to maintain freshness for longer. Best consumed within 3-4 days.
  • Potatoes, Onions & Garlic: Store in cool, dark drawers. Keep away from direct sunlight and moisture to prevent sprouting and rotting. Avoid storing onions and potatoes together as they release gases that can cause each other to spoil faster. These can last up to a few weeks.
  • Other Root Vegetables (Carrots, Ginger, Beetroot, Radishes, Turnips, Sweet Potatoes): Store in your refrigerator and consume within 10 days.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables (Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli): Store in the refrigerator. Best consumed within a week.
  • Gourds & Squashes (Bottle Gourd, Bitter Gourd, Ridge Gourd, Pumpkin): Store in the refrigerator. Best consumed within a week.
  • Tomatoes: Store in the refrigerator. Best consumed within 3-5 days.
  • Peppers, Bell Peppers & Chillies: Store in the refrigerator. Best consumed within a week.
  • Brinjal (Eggplant), Okra, Green Beans, Peas: Store in the refrigerator. Best consumed within 3-5 days.
  • Mushrooms: Store in refrigerator. Best consumed within 5 days.


  • Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries): Store in the refrigerator in breathable containers. Avoid washing until ready to eat to prevent mould growth. Best consumed within 3-4 days.
  • Apples, Citrus Fruits (Oranges, Lemons): Keep in the refrigerator. Best consumed within 7-10 days.
  • Bananas: Store at room temperature. To slow ripening, keep them away from other fruits. Best consumed within 2 days of ripening.
  • Mangoes: Store at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate. Best consumed within 2 days of ripening.
  • Kiwis, Plums, Peaches: Store at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate. Best consumed within 2 days of ripening.
  • Lychees, Jamun: Store in the refrigerator as soon as possible. Best consumed within 3 days.
  • Pineapples: Store at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate. Best consumed within 3-5 days of ripening.
  • Papayas: Store at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate. Best consumed within 2-3 days of ripening.
  • Melons (Watermelon, Muskmelon, Cantaloupe): Store whole at room temperature. Once cut, refrigerate. Best consumed within 2-3 days after cutting.
  • Chikoos (Sapodilla): Store at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate. Best consumed within 2 days of ripening.
  • Avocados: To ensure avocados are stored properly, check for ripeness by gently pressing the skin on top; a ripe avocado gives in slightly to pressure. Store unripe avocados at room temperature and place them in a paper bag with a banana or apple to speed up ripening. Once ripe, refrigerate avocados to extend their shelf life, consuming them within 2 days. For cut avocados, brush the exposed flesh with lemon or lime juice, wrap tightly in cling film and refrigerate. They are best consumed within 1 day to avoid browning.
  • Dragonfruit, Passionfruit, Guava, Custard Apple (Sitaphal): Store at room temperature until ripe. Once ripe, refrigerate and consume within 3 days.
  • Pomegranate: Can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator. Once opened, keep seeds in the refrigerator and consume within 1 day.

If you would like to further extend the shelf life of your produce, you can freeze them. For fruits like berries, mangoes, lychees, bananas, and pineapples, peel (where required), wash and dry them, freeze in a single layer on a baking sheet, and then transfer to airtight containers or freezer bags. For vegetables such as carrots, beans, peas, bell peppers, spinach, and broccoli, blanch in boiling water for a few minutes, cool in ice water, dry, and then freeze in airtight containers or freezer bags. Avoid freezing high-water content items like cucumbers, watermelons, and lettuce as they become mushy. Use airtight containers and heavy-duty freezer bags. Always label packages with the date of freezing to keep track of time. Ideally, frozen foods should be consumed within 3-6 months.


All our products are grown and made without the use of chemical fertilisers, pesticides, preservatives, or additives. Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality of our products. We have listed detailed storage suggestions to help you store your items in the best possible way. Always check the "best before" date on all packaging.

  • Grains, Pulses, Flours: Transfer all grains, rice, flours, and pulses in airtight containers and store in a cool, dry place. Flours can also be refrigerated to extend their shelf life. Whole grains, rice, and pulses are best used within 6 months if stored well. Our flours are freshly stone ground before they are packed. Try consuming flours within 45-50 days.
  • Spices and Dried Herbs: Store both whole and ground spices (like cumin, coriander, mustard seeds, turmeric, chili powder, garam masala) away from heat and light to preserve their flavour and potency. Whole spices last longer than ground spices. Dried herbs should be stored similarly. All are best consumed within 4-6 months.
  • Ketchups, Pickles & Sauces: These condiments need to be refrigerated upon opening. Before opening, they are shelf stable.
  • Preserves & Jams: Please refrigerate as soon as they arrive.
  • Dry Fruits, Nuts & Seeds: Transfer to airtight containers and store in a cool, dry place. For longer shelf life, keep them in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Honey: Store honey in a cool, dry place at room temperature. Honey does not spoil but may crystallize. If crystallization occurs, place the jar in warm water and stir until the crystals dissolve.
  • Sweeteners and Salts: Store sweeteners and salts (like jaggery, sugar, pink salt, sea salt) in containers in a cool, dry place. These items can last a long time if kept dry.
  • Cold Pressed Oils, Ghee & Vinegar: Store in a cool, dark place. These can be stored at room temperature. You can refrigerate it too if you prefer. Some oils like coconut oil can solidify in cooler temperatures but will return to normal at room temperature or once heated.