Organic tomatoes are vibrant and juicy fruits that come in different colors like red, yellow, and even green. Grown without synthetic chemicals, they offer a fresh and wholesome taste. Whether enjoyed in salads, sauces, or sandwiches, organic tomatoes are a flavorful and healthy choice for your dishes.
1 kg of tomatoes contains approximately 8 to 10 pieces.
Try making your own fresh salsa by chopping them into small cubes, adding red onions, coriander, lemon, and a bit of raw sugar, salt, and pepper. It’s great with tortilla chips or as a condiment for your tacos.
Q. How can I preserve organic tomatoes for later use?
A. You can make tomato purée, canned tomatoes, or even sun-dried tomatoes from your organic harvest to enjoy their goodness throughout the year.
Q. Can I oven-dry organic tomatoes?
A. Yes, you can oven-dry organic tomatoes by slicing them, seasoning with herbs and salt, and baking them at a low temperature until dried and concentrated in flavor.